Jamie Loncaster
Jamie Loncaster was a former junior cadet of 1324 (Hawker Blackburn) Squadron. He had yet to explore everything the organisation had to offer, but those who knew him speak of an incredibly keen and passionate cadet who jumped at the opportunity to try new things. He put his name down for almost every activity, including those taking place at weekends. His ability to inspire and influence was clear, as his example encouraged his peers to do the same.
Tragically, after only a short time with the squadron, Jamie died in his sleep, having suffered a cardiac arrest caused by severe myocarditis. Jamie was only 13 years old and seemingly fit and healthy with no history of heart problems.
His legacy lives on in the squadron, with the Endeavour Award being presented to the new recruit who has displayed the most positive approach to embracing squadron life, new activities, and challenges, and the recruit training flight (Loncaster Flight), which is named in his honour.
“He’d recently joined the local air cadet squadron in Brough and was loving every minute. He signed up for nearly every activity on offer and some weekends we hardly saw him. We’re so glad he got so much enjoyment out of his short time with 1324 (Hawker Blackburn) Squadron.
Bizarrely, he spent the weekend before he died working towards, and passing, his First Aid course and learning about CPR techniques.”
Following Jamie’s death his family set up a Memorial Fund in his name with Cardiac Risk in the Young and all donations are directed towards screening the hearts of young people in the area where Jamie grew up. For more information on the screenings and to read more about Jamie, please follow the link to his website here: www.jamieloncaster.co.uk. Jamie’s family still support the squadron by continuing to pay Jamie’s subs in his memory.
Cadet Jamie Loncaster
26 Oct 2001 - 14 Mar 2015