Two County Appointments at 1324 Squadron
On Thursday, 19th September, Cadet Flight Sergeants Finn Sprakes and Emily Edmiston undertook the final stage of their respective nominations to the rank of cadet warrant officer - the interview with the sector commander (Squadron Leader Steve Lewis) and the sector’s senior non-commissioned officer (Flight Sergeant Kyle Horner). Both performed incredibly well, and the sector commander was glad to approve their appointment to the RAF Air Cadets’ highest cadet rank.
“Because the calibre of successful candidates is necessarily very high, not all squadrons have one — I am immensely fortunate to have two such incredible people on my team.
“With recent changes to eligibility criteria, they will also be some of the first in the Air Training Corps to promote at the age of 17!”
Flight Lieutenant Clifford-Roper-Smith, OC 1324 Squadron
Cadet Warrant Officers Sprakes and Edmiston will now be addressed as “Warrant Officer”, and are appointed Warrant Officer (Training) and Warrant Officer (Recruits) respectively.
Cadet Warrant Officer Emily Edmiston, Warrant Officer (Recruits)
Cadet Warrant Officer Finn Sprakes, Warrant Officer (Training)
Flight Lieutenant Clifford-Roper-Smith and Flight Sergeant Horner appoint Cadet Warrant Officer Edmiston.
Flight Lieutenant Clifford-Roper-Smith and Flight Sergeant Horner appoint Cadet Warrant Officer Sprakes.