Media Training Session
On Monday, 22nd April, Officer Commanding 1324 (Hawker Blackburn) Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Luke Clifford-Roper-Smith, delivered an introductory session on squadron media and communications skills.
The purpose of this session was to teach cadets how to write a very brief press notice, with a view to helping the squadron share progress and activity reports with the wider squadron community.
The session began by looking at how to structure a brief article, ensuring the key information is conveyed first, followed by the additional detail. The cadets found the inverted pyramid model (image below) very useful for this task. Cadets also learned how to take some accompanying photos and video footage, to help convey their message and make the article more personal.
To finish, cadets used their notes to form a final article as a larger group, which explained the media training session they had just conveyed and why it was important.
The cadets will now draft short reports whenever they venture off the unit, with a quarterly wrap-up article to summarise on-squadron activity.
A small group take illustrative photos to report on the session.
Cadets try drafting their press releases in small groups.
The inverted pyramid of writing helped cadets structure their articles.
This exemplar helped illustrate the process.